Presbyterian church

Wentworthville Presbyterian Church

10am Sunday Service

Visitors are very welcome at our church meetings any Sunday. If you haven't been to a church before or haven't been to a church in a long while, we understand that you might wonder what it is like at one of our Sunday meetings.

First, expect a range of different people: some are grandparents, some are married, some are parents, some are single, some are kids. We come from different ages and stages in life. Our members come from a variety of cultural backgrounds, reflecting the local community.

Next, expect to find us spending a lot of time talking about God and his Son, Jesus Christ. We do this in all sorts of different ways - singing, praying, reading the Bible, teaching, and in personal conversation. We are excited about Jesus and being his people, and want to help each other live for Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

Finally, expect that it's okay if you haven't been to church much before. We'll try to make it clear what's going on, and you won't need to say or do anything you don't want to.

If you have questions on a Sunday, please feel free to ask them to the person leading the meeting or the preacher over morning tea in the hall after the meeting. Remember, we love to talk about Jesus so feel free to pepper us with your questions!

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children playing

Our playgroup meets on Monday mornings 9.30-11.30am in the Wentworthville Presbyterian Church Hall.  This group is for preschoolers and their parents/carers to enjoy playing together in a friendly and safe environment.

Register to join or get all the information.

Home groups are smaller communities of people from our church who meet at each other's homes to study and discuss the Bible, and pray for one another. It's a time to ask questions, share life and encourage one another.

Evergreens is a group for the 55+ age group. It meets in the church hall on the third Tuesday of each month, for fellowship, singing and a devotional Bible Study. Morning tea and lunch are provided.

Transport to and from the church is offered via the church minibus.

How long is a church meeting at Wentworthville Presbyterian?

Most of our meetings take around an hour for the formal service. Then everyone is invited to stay around for morning tea (once a month we have lunch together after the 10am service).

Special Events

Yes our hall is available to the community to hire for special events, weddings, celebrations, birthdays or regular bookings.

Wentworthville Presbyterian Church 5a McKern St

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